


Aspic is a dish in which ingredients are set into a gelatin made from a meat stock or consomme.  Aspic can also be referred to as aspic gelée or aspic jelly. Non-savoury, sweet dishes, often made with commercial gelatin mixes without stock or consommé, are usually called jello salads in the United States, or gelatin salads elsewhere.



The 10th century Kitab al- Tabikh, the earliest known Arabic Cookbook, contains a recipe for a fish aspic called qaris. It was made by boiling several large fish heads with vinegar, parsley, cassia, whole onions, rue, black pepper, ginger, spikenard, galangal, clove, coriander seeds and long pepper. It is colored with saffron enough to add a "radiant red". The cooked fish heads were removed from the vinegar cooking liquid along with the seasonings, and only the tongues and lips were returned to steep in the liquid until it cooled and gelatinized. According to one poetic reference by Ibrahim ibn al-Mahdi describing a version of the dish prepared with Iraqi carp it was "like ruby on the platter, set in a pearl... steeped in saffron thus, like garnet it looks, vibrantly red, shimmering on silver."

Historically, meat aspics were made before fruit- and vegetable-flavored aspics. By the Middle Ages at the latest, cooks had discovered that a thickened meat broth could be made into a jelly. A detailed recipe for aspic is found in  Le Viandier, written in or around 1375.


In the early 19th century, Marie - Antoine Careme created chaud froid in France. Chaud froid means "hot cold" in French, referring to foods that were prepared hot and served cold. Aspic was used as a chaud froid sauce in many cold fish and poultry meals. The sauce added moisture and flavor to the food. Carême invented various types of aspic and ways of preparing it. Aspic, when used to hold meats, prevents them from becoming spoiled. The gelatin keeps out  air and bacteria, keeping the cooked meat fresh.

Aspic came into prominence in America in the early 20th century. By the 1950s, meat aspic was a popular dinner staple throughout the United Statesa as were other gelatin-based dishes such as tomato aspic. Cooks used to show off aesthetic skills by creating inventive aspics.


Culinary preparation

When cooled, stock that is made from meat congeals because of the natural gelatin found in the meat. The stock can be clarified with egg whites, and then filled and flavored just before the aspic sets. Almost any type of food can be set into aspics. Most common are meat pieces, fruits, or vegetables. Aspics are usually served on cold plates so that the gel will not melt before being eaten. A meat jelly that includes cream is called a chaud-froid.

Almost any meat (poultry or fish included) can be used to make gelatin. The aspic may need additional gelatin in order to set properly. Veal stock (in particular, stock from a boiled calf's foot provides a great deal of gelatin; in making stock, veal is often included with other meat for that reason. Fish consommés usually have too little natural gelatin, so the fish stock may be double-cooked or supplemented. Since fish gelatin melts at a lower temperature than gelatins of other meats, fish aspic is more delicate and melts more readily in the mouth.

Fish stocks usually need added gelatin to maintain a molded shape. Vegetables have no natural gelatin.


Culinary uses

Aspic jelly may be colorless (white aspic) or contain various shades of amber. Aspic can be used to protect food from the air, to give food more flavor, or as a decoration.

There are three types of aspic: delicate, sliceable, and inedible. The delicate aspic is soft. The sliceable aspic must be made in a terrine or in an aspic mold. It is firmer than the delicate aspic. The inedible aspic is never for consumption. It is usually for decoration. Aspic is often used to glaze food pieces in food competitions to make the food glisten and make it more appealing to the eye. Foods dipped in aspic have a lacquered finish for a fancy presentation.  Aspic can be cut into various shapes and be used as a garnish for deli meats or pâtés.





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